Acne Scar Removal

Our Acne Treatments

Acne is a bacteria that gets triggered by hormonal imbalances and stress, and needs oil or sebum to grow. Although it is commonly associated with teenage and adolescent skin, it also affects many age groups at different stages in life. 

Our new laser technology is extremely effective and long lasting for acne. Spectra Peel dual action first attacks acne deep in the dermis by stimulating skin cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. Then it treats the active acne on your skin’s surface by gently removing the topmost layer of dead skin cells, unplugging pores, shrinking sebaceous glands and stimulating new skin growth. We also specialize in laser acne scar removal, with different treatments available to you depending on the type of acne scar.

Prices Starting from $350

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Acne Scar Treatment FAQs

Scarring is a common concern for many people who have acne. There are a variety of acne scar laser treatments that can improve the appearance of acne scars, and in some cases, completely remove them.

Below, we provide some basic information about acne scars and how they can be treated.

  • What is acne?

    Acne is a distressed skin condition that results in inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions. It affects almost everyone, especially during hormonal changes such as puberty. Although it is commonly associated with teenage and adolescent skin, it also affects many age groups at different stages in life. About 20 percent of all cases of acne occur in adults. Teenage acne, beginning between the ages of 10 and 13, usually lasts for 5 to 10 years. As for adults, women are more likely than men to have mild to moderate forms of acne in their 30s and up.

  • What causes acne?

    When hair follicles or pores become plugged with oil and dead skin cells, the skin condition known as acne occurs. Acne can appear in the form of whiteheads, pimples, or blackheads, and typically appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. With hormones changing during puberty, this is the time when most people experience acne the worst. However, it can affect people of all ages for different reasons.

  • What are symptoms of acne?

    Symptoms of acne depend on the severity of the condition but most signs include whiteheads (closed plugged pores), blackheads (open plugged pores), tender red bumps, pimples, hard lumps under the surface of the skin, and painful cystic lesions.

  • How can you treat acne?

    There are multiple effective treatments for acne, but the condition can be stubborn and persistent. Pimples and bumps take a long time to heal, and often, one will heal and another will pop up immediately after. Depending on how severe your acne is, you may develop emotional distress and scar the skin if you pick at it. As with most conditions, the sooner you begin a course of treatment, the lower the risk of more severe issues.

    Eating a healthier diet, drinking lots of water, managing stress, getting regular exercise, and home remedies can treat the occasional spot, but people with severe acne, they may need a more effective and intense solution.

  • What are the benefits?

    The following are some of the benefits of using a Spectra Peel to treat acne and acne scars:


    • Reduces all types of acne
    • Controls sebum production
    • Shrinks large pores and scars
    • Reduces redness from inflamed acne
    • Safe even for inflamed acne
    • No medication required
    • Reduced re-occurrence and inflammation
    • Removes acne scars

What To Expect

At our Anti-Aging Clinic, we understand that dealing with acne scars can be difficult and frustrating. While there are many treatments available, there is still a lot of confusion about how to get rid of them. That's why we've put together this FAQ section to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about treatment. 

  • How does a Laser Carbon Spectra Peel treat acne?

    The Laser Carbon Spectra Peel treats all four stages of acne, from mild to moderate, and has many other benefits, such as controlling sebum production. If you suffer from inflamed acne, the process is still perfectly safe; there’s no medication required. In addition, you can schedule your appointment on your lunch break or after school.

    With this process, we can treat the acne condition to avoid future acne scars. The Spectra Peel process specifically targets skin so that scars will be neutralized before they can form. 

  • How does it work?

    When you receive the Laser Carbon Spectra Peel treatment at our clinic, the dual action works in two ways: first, it will attack acne deep in the dermis (skin), stimulating cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. The process then treats the acne at the surface of the skin gently by removing the top layer of dead skin cells, shrinking pores and sebaceous glands, and stimulating the growth of new skin.

  • When will I see results?

    You’ll see results in as little as three sessions, depending on the severity of your acne. On mild acne and acne scars, we have seen impressive results with only three sessions; however, more laser sessions are recommended for severe acne. At our clinic, we combine the laser treatment with microdermabrasion to remove dead skin cells and bacteria. 

    The best part about the Laser Carbon Spectra Peel treatment is that it is painless and has no down-time. In terms of acne scar removal cost, this will depend on how many sessions you need. Connect with us today for more information on pricing. 

clinician using facial device on person's face
woman pointing at cheek looking at phone screen

Types of Acne Scars

  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIHP)

    These are dark spots that are left behind after a pimple has healed. They're usually temporary and will fade over time, but there are treatments that can speed up the process.

  • Ice-pick

    Ice-pick scars are small, deep pits in the skin. They are named for their appearance, which looks like someone has taken a ice pick and punched small holes into the skin. Ice-pick scars can be difficult to treat because they are so deep. 

  • Rolling

    Rolling scars are wide depressions in the skin that have gentle slopes. They occur when bands of fibrous tissue form underneath the skin's surface. Treatment options for rolling scars include punch excisions, subcision, microneedling, and laser resurfacing. 

  • Boxcar

    Boxcar scars are similar to rolling scars but they have sharp edges instead of gentle slopes. Treatment options for boxcar scars include punch excisions, dermal fillers, microneedling, and laser resurfacing. 

  • Atrophic

    These are sunken scars that occur when there's a loss of collagen in the area where the pimple once was. They're common among people who have had acne for a long time or who have picked at their skin. Laser resurfacing is often the best treatment for atrophic scars. 

  • Hypertrophic or Keloid

    Hypertrophic scars are raised, red scars that develop when the body overproduces collagen in response to an injury. Keloids typically extend past the edges of the initial wound. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the chest, shoulders, and back. 

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