Superficial Skin Conditions

Treating Skin Conditions at Anti-Aging Clinic Toronto

Get healthy, smooth skin again! Our skin tag, broken capillaries and red cherries removal procedure is simple, fast, and effective. It’s so safe that you can even book your appointment during your lunch break! There is no down-time and it is very effective. 

Our goal is to help you achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance, and we are confident that we can help you reach your goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our removal services at Anti-Aging Clinic.

skin tag on shoulder

Skin Tags

Skin tags are those unsightly growths commonly found on the face, neck, underarms, and groin area. Skin tags are typically the same colour as the skin, or slightly darker.

A laser touches the skin’s surface and if the skin tag is small it will fall off within two days, leaving you with smooth skin. Skin tags are usually removed in one or two sessions. Please note that larger skin tags may require additional sessions. We remove skin tags neck down, not on the face.

  • Will skin tags grow back?

    Not necessarily. The skin tag removal procedure involves the use of a laser that is targeted at the area to be treated. Within two days or so, your skin tag will simply fall off after being lightened and shrunk by the laser treatment. This is a completely safe procedure which requires no excision or cutting, and can be performed even during your lunch time.

  • Will skin tag removal leave any scarring?

    This simple, fast and effective laser treatment has been successful for years—you will have very little chance of scarring. The treated area will be slightly darker, but it won’t take long to fade as your skin tag begins to loosen up and shrink in size.

  • Is there anything special I have to do after the procedure?

    This “lunch time” laser treatment is so effective and risk-free that there is little to no downtime. As a common precaution, you will need to wear a sunscreen for at least six weeks post-procedure.

Skin Tag Removal $250 up to 10 tags

(Note: all skin conditions are the same price)

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specialist applying botox treatment on client forehead
specialist applying botox treatment on client forehead


"Spider Veins" 

At the Anti-Aging Clinic, we offer a variety of services to help you achieve a youthful appearance. One of our most popular services is the removal of telangiectasia, more commonly known as "spider veins." These small, red or blue blood vessels are often visible on the face, chest, and legs. While they are not dangerous, spider veins can be unsightly. 

Our highly skilled staff uses the latest laser technology to precisely target and remove spider veins with minimal discomfort. 

  • What causes spider veins to appear?

    There are several factors that can contribute to the development of spider veins. One of the most common is genetics. If your parents or grandparents had spider veins, you may be more likely to develop them as well. Other risk factors include obesity, pregnancy, and a sedentary lifestyle. Standing or sitting for long periods of time can put added pressure on the veins in your legs and cause them to become enlarged and visible through the skin.

  • What type of laser is used to eliminate spider veins?

    Our clinic uses the Health Canada approved Cynosure Apogee Elite laser, which has brought about some amazing results. The laser targets the spider vein, causing it to collapse and forcing the body to repair the area. We apply cooling before and after using the laser for your comfort and to protect your skin.

  • What can I expect after a laser vein removal treatment?

    In most cases, one to two sessions are all that is required to remove small spider veins. You can return to your regular routine following this simple laser treatment and the recuperation time is very short. We have obtained amazing results on red spider veins in the nose area, where the veins sometimes vanishes in front of our eyes!

beauty model holding face
back area of woman with hands on shoulder and torso
veins on backhand

Small Pigmentation & Age Spots

Red moles, or cherry angiomas are often bright red, circular or oval in shape, and small — usually ranging in size from a pinpoint to about one-fourth of an inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with your skin, while others appear slightly raised. They most often grow on the torso, arms, legs, and shoulders.

At our clinic, we offer a few different options for removing small pigmentation and age spots. Our most popular method is laser treatment, which uses concentrated beams of light to break up the pigment in the skin.

  • Are there any risks associated with small pigmentation and age spot removal?

    As with any medical procedure, there are some minor risks associated with small pigmentation and age spot removal. These include infection, blistering, scarring, and changes in skin color; although rarely we have only seen some blistering at our clinic.

  • What is the best treatment to remove these spots?

    Our skin specialists and experienced team will work with you to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs. We offer a variety of options for small pigmentation & age spots removal, including laser therapy and chemical peel treatments. Depending on the severity of your condition, we will develop a customized treatment plan that will give you the best results possible. 

  • Will small pigmentation and age spots disappear on their own?

    In some cases, small pigmentation and age spots will eventually fade away on their own. However, this can take months or even years. If you want to get rid of them sooner, you will need to seek out treatments such as those mentioned above.

Our Services

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    Infini Non-Surgical Facelift

    Photo By: John Doe
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