SculpSure Body Contouring

Body Sculpting

The SculpSure Body Contouring treatment is an FDA-approved revolutionary body sculpting solution designed to remove excess fat cells from anywhere on the body. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses the hyperthermic energy of a high-tech laser to melt away large fat cells. Once the cells are destroyed, the body naturally eliminates it through its normal processes. This solution is essentially permanent, as once the fat cells are destroyed and eliminated, they do not grow back!

The Anti-Aging Clinic Toronto is excited to be a provider of SculpSure fat reduction as part of the next generation of body sculpting technologies. If you have any questions about SculpSure, please read our FAQs below. We look forward to helping you achieve your desired results!

client undergoing sculpsure body contouring treatment

What Does SculpSure Treat?

Welcome to our FAQ section about SculpSure Body Contouring, our new service at The Anti-Aging Clinic. This treatment is a great option for those who are looking to get rid of stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise alone can't seem to reach.

In this section, we'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about SculpSure fat reduction so you can decide if it is the right treatment for you.

  • How does the SculpSure work?

    The SculpSure treatment uses a laser device to target fat cells under the skin, bypassing the skin’s surface. As the targeted energy heats the fat cells, their structural integrity is destroyed. Then, the body’s lymphatic system eliminates the fat cells forever.

  • Does SculpSure provide skin tightening?

    Skin tightening is not a promoted result of SculpSure, but many doctors and patients have noticed similar effects from the treatment. Depending on the condition and area of the patient’s skin that is being treated, the appearance of tightness may occur after treatment. 

    The Anti-Aging Toronto Clinic offers SculpSure Plus, which includes three Radio-Frequency treatments complementary, two weeks apart, which improves skin tightening on the treated areas.

  • Can SculpSure replace surgical procedures?

    SculpSure is a way of achieving body sculpting and fat reduction without the need for surgery. Due to the way the treatment works, SculpSure cannot correct loose skin like a tummy tuck, nor can it produce the same dramatic results as liposuction. It is important to discuss your options with your skincare practitioner to make sure you understand the potential results of SculpSure.

  • Who is SculpSure suited for?

    SculpSure is best suited for people with a BMI below 30, and who are dealing with body fat that has proven resistant to diet and exercise in the abdominal or flank areas. If you have been working out steadily, losing weight, and eating right, but still suffer from stubborn areas of lingering body fat, SculpSure is the ideal treatment for you. 

  • Is SculpSure safe?

    If you are wondering if SculpSure fat reduction is safe, the non-invasive SculpSure treatment is completely safe and is Health Canada approved. It works to eliminate excess fat on the abdomen, waist, flanks, and inner and outer thighs. This clinically proven treatment has a minor risk of complications, including skin redness, slight swelling, and temporary stiffness.

  • Can SculpSure improve a double chin?

    The SculpSure treatment's performance is a consistent and reliable way to achieve fat reduction, and it is highly recommended to those whose fat seems to hang around despite diet and exercise. Many people struggle with submental fat or a dreaded “double chin”. Unlike other double chin reduction procedures, SculpSure can target the fat cells and provide effective, yet discreet results with minimal downtime and discomfort. 

What You Need To Know

At The Anti-Aging Clinic, we are proud to offer this revolutionary treatment to our clients. SculpSure is an excellent option for those looking to improve their appearance.

Here are some frequently asked questions about our SculpSure Body Contouring service:

  • How many treatments are required?

    According to SculpSure reviews, most patients see results after only one treatment. However, the treat-to-complete protocol strongly recommends two treatments per area, about six to eight weeks apart. As each treatment only covers one area, some patients choose to get multiple areas treated in a single session.

    The SculpSure procedure takes only 25 to 30 minutes to perform. The protocol is two treatments for great results, although in some cases, an additional treatment might be recommended for best results. The treatment is the perfect lunchtime procedure because there is no downtime. You can have this procedure during your break and go back to work as normal.

  • When will I see results?

    Most patients begin to see results as early as six weeks after their initial treatment. At this mark, the body has begun evacuating the destroyed fat cells, and optimal results are typically seen at 12 weeks. That being said, the results vary from patient to patient. The turnaround time depends on the treatment and frequency. If patients require retreatment of the same area, this can be done in an additional six weeks. Since laser technology in the aesthetics market is very competitive in nature, there are frequently new and updated laser systems that work more effectively and powerful than previous models. 

  • Is the SculpSure treatment painful?

    Non-surgical body contouring does not require anesthetic or numbing. Patients experience a warm, tingling sensation with intermittent periods of cooling under the areas where the laser pads work. These effects will fade away shortly after the treatment is completed.

  • How do you prepare for the SculpSure procedure?

    To prepare for the SculpSure procedure, you should schedule a consultation with the licensed practitioner at the clinic, who will be qualified to answer your questions and provide advice and guidance. Other than that, you should avoid blood thinners, Ibuprofen, and aspirin, a few days before the treatment to minimize the chances of bruising.

  • What are the possible side effects or risks?

    Some laser treatments may cause temporary and minor skin irritation and damage, because it affects the surface of the skin (epidermis). Thanks to the developments in technology, the SculpSure treatment bypasses the epidermis to target the subcutaneous layer of skin to melt the fat. This way, the skin’s surface is left unaffected, to minimize the risk of skin damage. Patients may, however, notice temporary side effects such as mild discomfort or swelling.

sculpsure model photo

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