Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Our PRP And PRF Therapy Treatments

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a simple procedure that uses your own cells and your body’s natural growth factors to promote skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth. We have proven results using PRP for hair growth, skin rejuvenation, and acne scars.

We offer two options of PRP: High Quality and Harvest Concentrated, up to six times the platelet concentration, and by far the favourite brand for hair regrowth.

We also offer PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, a fibrin matrix that binds platelets and growth factors promoting hair growth, skin rejuvenation, and it great as an under-eye treatment. It is without question the next generation treatment of platelet concentrate. We first make a highly concentrated Harvest PRP, and then we turn it into PRF. By doing so we maximize our platelet capture efficiency and end up with a PRF packed with growth factors and platelets that is far superior to the competition.

PRP after the 20% off current promo!

Type One Treatment Package of 3
Standard (High quality) $440 $1,200
Harvest 30cc or KeyPRP 40cc $640 $1,760
Harvest 60cc or KeyPRP 80cc $960 $2,640
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PRP infographic

Our Types of PRP

We are thrilled to offer different concentrations, and quantities of PRP and PRF, to fit your needs and budget.

  • Concentrated Harvest PRP

    Harvest is 6 times stronger than most of the PRP systems available in the market, and it is the Gold Standard for hair regrowth. 

    Harvest growth factors are so strong that, if you would like to use it in your face, we need to do an additional process to clear it. 

    Harvest comes in two sizes, 30cc and 60cc, and it is your choice depending on the size of the area that you would like to cover.

  • High Quality PRP

    We draw 15cc of blood and spin it in a centrifuge to obtain about 7-8cc of platelet rich-plasma, that can be used for facial skin rejuvenation or scalp hair regrowth.

  • Concentrated Harvest PRF

    PRF contains a greater amount of growth factors that stimulate collagen improving under-eye skin texture, dark circles, and hollowness.  

    The base of this treatment is the highly concentrated Harvest PRP.

  • PRP Scalp Injections

    Straight scalp PRP is a specific type of PRP treatment application that is designed to target hair loss. The goal of straight scalp PRP is to stimulate new hair growth by increasing the supply of nutrients and growth factors to the hair follicles. 

  • U225 Microneedling Gun

    We use the U225 Micro-Needling Gun for PRP application on face and neck to avoid or minimize bruising and swelling. 

What's Involved With PRP?

Many people are familiar with the concept of PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, therapy. Often associated with sports medicine, PRP is increasingly being used for a variety of cosmetic purposes, including hair regrowth and skin rejuvenation.

Here's a quick overview of what you need to know about the difference between PRP for scalp hair regrowth and PRP for skin rejuvenation on the face.

  • Hair Regrowth for Scalp

    The PRP process for hair growth is fairly straightforward: a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, the platelets are isolated, and then injected into the areas of the scalp where hair loss has occurred. The platelets help to stimulate new hair growth by increasing blood flow and promoting cell regeneration.

    The PRP stem hair regrowth cost depends on how many sessions you need. Please contact us today for more information on pricing. 

  • Rejuvenation for Face

    The platelets are injected into the face, where they help to improve collagen production and reduce wrinkles. Results can typically be seen after just a few treatments.

specialist performing PRP activities
PRP and Skin process infograph

What To Expect

Are you thinking about getting a PRP treatment?

Here at the Anti-Aging Clinic, we want to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. In this FAQ section, we'll cover what PRP is, how it works, and what you can expect from the treatment.

  • What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

    Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a simple procedure that uses your own cells and your body’s natural growth factors to treat aging skin.

    Best results are seen when combining treatments; for example, the application of PRP immediately after a laser treatment, such as the Laser Genesis Rejuvenation or the Laser Spectra Peel. To accelerate results, it is recommended the patient applies vitamins to the skin in between treatments.

  • What can PRP help treat?

    PRP therapy is used to treat aging skin all over the body, including knees, thighs, arms, and stomach. It is safe to use anywhere, as it is your own-body’s physiological product; therefore, there is no risk of your body rejecting it.


    The PRP treatment is wonderful for repairing keloid scars and treating the crepe-like skin on the neck-area. It can also be used to rejuvenate the skin on the cheeks, mid-face, and around the eyes—right up to the lash line. PRP therapy has even been proven to treat hair loss!

  • Is Harvest the best pption for PRP Hair Restoration?

    Hair loss is an uncomfortable condition that many people suffer from. But wearing wigs and hats is not the solution for everyone. At the Anti Aging Clinic Toronto, we have been able to help clients achieve noticeable hair restoration results and regain their confidence with Harvest.

    Compared to other brands, Harvest PRP is able to achieve a higher concentration and yield of platelets by up to six times.

  • Is PRP Therapy right for me?

    If you fit into any of the following categories, we recommend that you do not receive PRP treatments:

    • You are pregnant 
    • You have a history of any of the following:
    • Heart problems
    • Fever blisters or herpes simplex
    • Autoimmune disease, such as lupus, cancer, or HIV
    • Severe asthma
    • Neurological disorder 
    • If you have used any of the following:
    • Accutane (within the last year)
    • Retin-A (within the last three months)
    • Botox or fillers (within the last seven days)
    • If you are sick (with fever)

  • What do I do before and after a PRP Treatment?

    • Avoid taking Advil, Motrin, blood thinner medication, or alcohol 72 hours prior to receiving a PRP treatment
    • After the PRP application, do not wash your face until the next day (wait a minimum of four hours; but a 24-hour wait is recommended)
    • Avoid heat 24–48 hours following your PRP treatment (e.g. sauna, long hot showers, and vigorous exercise)
    • Avoid exposing your skin to the sun—and make sure you are using sunscreen lotion when you step outside
    • Avoid chemicals (e.g. swimming pools, tanning beds, ampules and serums)

What Are the Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

The results of the PRP treatment will astound you! It is used to encourage new cell turnover and boost collagen production and as a result, the skin has an improved texture and tone, leading to a more youthful appearance. Here are some of the most amazing benefits of PRP therapy:

  • Natural and Safe

    Instead of using synthetic, potentially harmful ingredients, or pharmaceutical chemicals, the PRP treatment uses the body’s own ingredients to rejuvenate the skin. Each treatment is created using blood from the patient’s own body, which eliminates any possibility of an allergic reaction, infection, or treatment rejection.

  • Produces Long-Term Results

    PRP therapy is a quick process but it may take three or four treatments to achieve full results. Choosing multiple treatments will also increase the time the results lasts. Once the results have settled in, they can be visible for over a year and a half! This is because the PRP stimulates the skin’s stem cells to make more collagen, produce more new cells, and literally renew the skin. 

    The results look better as more time passes because the body must take its time to go through the healing and rejuvenating process. If you’re wondering what kind of results the treatment provides, they include glowing, tighter skin; a more toned complexion; reduced acne scars; reduced appearance of winkles and signs of aging; and more.

  • Non-Invasive

    This procedure is non-surgical, which is a huge reason why our patients choose it. The PRP extracted from the patient’s blood sample is treated and reinjected with a tiny needle. Once the injections are complete, a serum is applied to the skin to encourage healing. After this, some redness may occur within the next 24 hours but it will fade away after that time. 

    Although dramatic and instantly noticeable, treatments like Botox only temporarily reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and it uses a foreign substance. These treatments need to be injected every few months to maintain results, while PRP treatments can last up to two years. In addition, there are far less side effects considering the only ingredient used is the patient’s own blood.

  • Works Great as a Treatment for Hair Loss

    These quick injections are more affordable than more invasive methods of hair restoration and can be done on your lunch break. If you are suffering from hair loss and are tired of wearing wigs and hats, Harvest PRP is an effective hair growth solution. When PRP is injected into the scalp, it stimulates growth factors in the cells to encourage the scalp to grow hair again. It can also help produce thicker hair with time. 

    Compared to other PRP methods, Harvest PRP can achieve a higher concentration and yield of platelets by up to six times. The procedure is done almost the exact same way as CellARich PRP, but the application is catered to treating hair loss and promoting hair growth.

  • Minimal Discomfort During and After

    Since PRP therapy does not involve surgery, the discomfort is much lower. The pain or discomfort felt should be similar to undergoing blood work at your routine doctor’s appointments, however, it depends on the pain tolerance of the patient, and the area being treated. Sometimes there is slight discomfort after the treatment, but it fades away after a few days. 

    If you do experience discomfort after the procedure, all you need is an over-the-counter Tylenol. Be sure to avoid any anti-inflammatory medications such as Motrin, Aleve, or Naproxen, as they can slow down the healing process. Unlike other treatments, the discomfort is minimal and patients can see signs of improvement within four to six weeks.

  • Revolutionary Treatment

    The PRP treatment is revolutionary because of its safety, speed, and its gradual and natural effectiveness. It is a great alternative treatment when compared to other more invasive treatments like dermal fillers and Botox, which can have longer down times and send chemicals into your body. With PRP therapy, there is no need to worry about synthetic materials affecting your health, and you can still achieve a smoother, more youthful appearance. 

    Plus, since the results take time to develop, you won’t be asked a hundred questions by your friends and family. As your skin produces more collagen and boosts new cell growth, you will gradually look younger and healthier!

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