Infini Non-Surgical Facelift

Non Surgical Face Lifts

As you age, your dermis shrinks causing loss of elasticity, which results in unsightly facial sagging and drooping. The Anti-Aging Clinic Toronto offers non surgical face lifts using Infini Treatment. This treatment is a unique, minimally-invasive technique that delivers radio-frequency energy to the skin, stimulating collagen production and resulting in tighter, smoother skin.

Our Infini Treatment can be used to treat a variety of concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and uneven skin texture. Almost anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin can benefit from this treatment. The best part is the procedure is safe for all skin types and requires minimal downtime!

Type One Treatment Package of 3
Infini RF for acne scars $790 $2,100
Infini RF rejuvenation for face and neck $990 $2,700
Add standard PRP to your Infini treatment $250 $650
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infini device

Know More About Non-Surgical Face Lifts

The Anti-Aging Clinic Toronto is pleased to offer an alternative to surgical face lifts. We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about our Infini Treatment to help you better understand the procedure and what to expect.

If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • Is Infini safe?

    The Anti Aging Clinic Toronto provides Infini as a safe and effective treatment for skin rejuvenation. Generally speaking, anyone can be a candidate for the Infini RF procedure. 

    However, there are some people who should not undergo this treatment. These people include those with pacemakers or people with metal in an area of their face. Additionally, patients who are on blood thinners will get bruising from this treatment, so although it is possible, it is not recommended. Smokers tend to have less impressive results because of their lifestyle habits, and patients with severely damaged skin from the sun will respond less than someone with healthier skin.

  • Does it hurt?

    The treatment does exhibit some heat and pressure. To make you feel comfortable the areas to be treated will be numbed and your certified technician will communicate with you during the whole process. The micro-needles do not cause any severe or permanent damage to the skin, and the body naturally repairs itself after the procedure to appear glowing and youthful. Unlike surgery downtimes, which can take more than a week, this non-surgical treatment has a downtime of as little as three to four days.

  • Does it work on all skin types?

    Unlike other devices, Infini is safe for patients with darker skin. Infini is protective of the epidermis because it’s needles are insulated. The depth of the needles can also be adjusted so that the heat from the RF stays in the dermis, below that upper layer. This provides effective treatment for the skin conditions, without causing too much irritation to the darker pigmented skin.

  • How many Infini treatments will I need?

    The protocol is to have three treatments, one month apart. Each treatment session takes anywhere from one and a half to two hours, where about half of that time is required to numb the treated areas. 

    Once the procedure is completed, it is a great opportunity to introduce growth factors. The most popular and natural growth factor is already inside your body, and it is called PRP which stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma. PRP will have the additional benefit of reducing your healing time. Another option is applying a repair complex to increase cell turnover and also reduce healing time.

    If you are interested in other tightening services, we also offer non surgical body contouring.

  • What skin conditions are treated by Infini RF?

    There are many different skin conditions that can be treated by Infini RF. The Infini treatment in Toronto provides effective solutions for people with skin laxity, fine lines, rough skin texture, smoker’s lines, crow’s feet, necklace lines, general scars, acne scars, poor skin quality, and stretch marks.

Why Should I Get A Non-Surgical Face Lift

For more information about the Infini Treatment here at Anti-Aging Clinic, please see our FAQ section below.

If you're interested in learning more about our other non-surgical facial rejuvenation services, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to address any of your concerns!

  • Why should I get the Infini Treatment at the Anti-Aging Clinic Toronto?

    Our Infini skin rejuvenation procedure is nearly risk-free. There is little recovery time and it will take about three weeks to start seeing results. Optimal results, however, may take up to six months, as the body rebuilds collagen. You won’t believe how much younger and refreshed you will look each day! Our procedure is performed by our staff of nurses, medical aestheticians, and senior specialists, so you can trust that you are in experienced hands!

  • How long does it take to see full results from Infini RF?

    The time it takes to see full Infini results is variable. For maximum results, it generally takes about six months after completing the first series of three sessions, one month apart. Some people may be quite pleased with the results that they have after one treatment, but it is very uncommon. People who are suffering from acne scars should definitely consider at least three, but may find better results after five or six treatments. 

  • How long do results last?

    The results of the Infini RF treatment vary depending on each patient. The collagen that is created through this process, however, will last at least seven years. Depending on the patient, the amount of collagen is variable, and depends on the person’s overall skin health, habits, age, sun exposure, and lifestyle. Professionals recommend that patients have a maintenance treatment performed every 6 to 12 months.

  • How long does recovery take?

    There is an initial redness right after a face lift non-surgical treatment, but it subsides very rapidly after the first few hours. Then more redness and swelling might occur on days 3 through 5. After this period there will be skin turnover, and you may experience some flaking. Although the skin peeling is not that visible it might be uncomfortable. 

client receiving radiofrequency microneedling treatment

Our Services

  • woman touching face with finger tips

    Infini Non-Surgical Facelift

    Photo By: John Doe
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